Hey Guys,
It's me again!!
I need everyone's help. When I started this blog I was super excited about people giving me feed back regarding everything that was floating around in my head. As time progressed, I really did enjoy reading everyone's comments and giving you some interesting topics to Wonder about as well.
However, I feel like I haven't given my all into blogging. There are blogs out there that I'd love to visit consistently and want to support but I just don't have the time to comment. I tend to feel guilty about that. I also think the blog would do so much better if I was posting at least 2-3 times a week or everyday! I love those people who can actually post every single day.
So I was thinking that I should take a break and re-group or take the page down all together. I want to reach people but I can't do it if I'm not putting my all into it.
What do you guys think I should do? If anyone is even out there reading hahahaha
I hope you enjoyed reading and thank you so very very much for supporting my venture!!!
Let's find out what the New Year will bring!
hello there..
first of all, you look soo pretty in your avatar:)
I refuse to allow blogging to be stressful for me. For me, I started blogging as a way to unwind and do something else other than working or studying. I have no schedule posts and I've never felt the pressure to post daily or a certain time per week.
obviously when i am on holidays, i have more stuff to blog and/or i have time to catch up on the latest beauty dish but never feel like you owe us something...i am not sure if i explained myself right
i hope you can continue blogging. I loove this blog, the questions you ask are engaging and i enjoy reading others perspectives.
i am subscribed so even if you post once a month, it's fine with me :)
happy new year
Hello there my sista! {waves}
Blogging is a HUGE commitment if the content at the blog is of high quality.
It takes A LOT of time to build a blogging community.
Many people think that all they need to do is put up posts and people will read them and comment.
There are blog hosts who have commenters...and blog hosts who have created "community". Those who have "community" have taken time to reach out and foster online relationships.
Each blog host has to decide WHY he/she is blogging in the first place and what the REAL goal is.
Some people blog as an outlet of expression, some are activists and some want to be professional bloggers with page sponsors.
I don't put up a post every day because I would rather write one LONG post that has a lot of substance than a lot of short posts on a daily basis that realy don't say anything substantial.
I really just wanted to drop by and bring "Happy New Year!" greetings!
What could be more fitting than some advice and encouragement from God:
"Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland."
Peace, blessings and DUNAMIS!
*Isaiah 43:18-19
There are no rules. Writing is something you "feel" not do... if you're heart isn't in it just write on those days when you're feeling it. I blog as an outlet for writing because "writing" is my passion. When I started it wasn't for comments and then people started commenting. I'm an introvert so blogging has helped me to become more socialized and you never know how GOD will use your words to help someone in need. Although I may not have commented on all your posting, I still enjoy your writing. You are very creative and energetic!
Whatever you decide, let you heart guide you. If you have to give it a lot of thought, you're probably forcing something a long the way...
Peace and blessings!
We have kind of discussed this so I think you know my position ..lol
OK I would love for you to keep blogging but I don't want it to become a point of stress for you. Ok how about as one blogger mentioned you only post when you feel like doing so. I think that is a great idea. :-)
Post whenever you want. I'll be here to read it! I enjoy your blog, so I hope you stick around!
have you decided what you will be doing?
Hey everyone! Thanks for your words of encouragement and wonderful advice..I'm still thinking about it and altough my blog is an outlet from me to share my thoughts there is much that everyone can learn from the comments left by fellow bloggers..
Sometimes we all live with notions in our heads and we aren't aware of other options that are out there or simply a different way at looking at an everyday situation.
So I have to sit and figure out what my personal aim of my blog is from this point on. Its important for me to get feedback from readers yet I don't want to be stressed out about it either lol
I will post on Sunday and hopefully give everyone an answer. THanks everyone!
@Amina Thanks for checking back to find out what I decided :-)
Happy New Year, girlie! I agree with everyone. I tried to do a daily post during the summer, but that didn't work out for me. I think it really depends on your creative energy and that's something you can't force. How about trying it for a week or month and see how you feel about it?
I found this post to be helpful -- http://www.dailyblogtips.com/10-simple-productivity-tips-for-bloggers/. I've been keeping things in the queue as they come to mind, so they'll just need to be finished and posted. Find what works for you and it will flow.
Don't let it stress you out, You are a wonderful writer you should continue to blog.
Just take your time and make sure you are being true to yourself.
I don't get around to all the blogs I love as much as I'd like to and that includes yours. I also don't comment as much as I'd like to. What I have learned in my blog wanderings is that there are a lot of blogs out there, but not a lot of blogs I thoroughly enjoy. When I finally found your blog you were on part 3 of The Measure Of A Man. My only disappointment was that I felt it was too late to reply to the first two. If you only post once a month that's fine. Some of the people that post daily are hit and miss, but not you.
God Bless You and Yours year and keep on blogging. Please?!?!
I'm obviously very late on responding to this post, but better late than never.
I too have been faced with this same issue-being off and on in the blogosphere and I'm hanging in there. There was a time when I was posting one to three times per day, but now I'm doing one to three times per week. I plan to return more consistent blogging as soon as my life is back in order.
I like blogging and I feel that I have created a 'community' and even if I'm not posting on my blog, I visit those within my 'community' and spread love as often as possible.
So do what you can sis and I'll be looking for you soon.
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