I recently enjoyed a nice vacation in Miami, Fl with my sisters and we had the chance to discuss an array of topics. One of those topics happen to be interracial dating. We asked each other how open are we about dating Caucasian men. We all agreed that we would prefer an African American male but are these Caucasian men looking to date a Black women. Finding a good Black man these days seems to be harder and harder. African American women are waiting for their Chocolate Skinned Prince Charming lol So maybe Black women need to take a look outside of the box and see what White men think about dating African American woman. Since I love to ask questions, I did a little survey and here are some of the responses I received. I will post more as the responses roll in. But before you read them...Tell me your thoughts about dating Caucasian men if you are an African American Woman. If you are a Caucasian male, please leave a comment also. Anyone is welcome to tell me what is on their mind.
I happen to be partners in a women's swimwear line with an African American female designer so I know a great deal about Black women and only date black women. So I'll try to do your questions by number.
1. I'm 46 and live in Howard Beach Queens
2. Yes I can't keep my eyes off African American women they are absolutely beautiful My ideal woman is about 5'6 125/135 lbs long black hair with a great smile.
3. I recently got out of a relationship with a beautiful young 28 year old lady from Jamaica she was a nursing student here and upon graduating she wanted to return to Boston to be a nurse at a hospital there where her mom was a head nurse so with great difficulty we split up..Of course its more complicated but I’m not going to bore you with all the details ...
4.My impression of them is that they are very down to earth and honest you usually know where you stand I personally love sassy women..
5.Yes at times in certain places i notice some black women check me out especially at the fashion shows we attend..
6. In my lifetime I've dated 5 African American women and I can not say a bad word about any of them they were all unique and fantastic...
1- Age, Location
35 - Huntington, NY
Absolutely. Things I notice most, regardless of skin color, are eyes, hair, and smile (if I am lucky enough to get one )
3- Would you ever consider dating an African American woman? Why? Why Not? What are your reservations about doing it?
4- When do you come across with African American woman what is your impression of them as someone of the opposite sex?
The same as any other member of the opposite sex. If they are pretty, I look for a smile and see if they make
eye contact
5-Do you ever think that African American woman are checking you out?
I have not, my aunt (adopted) and my cousin are african american though. Growing up I always thought they were the most beautiful women I had ever seen. I never really thought anything about it. I guess I grew somewhat sheltered. My cousin is brilliant, and an accomplished ballerina. They both have a grace about them that I have always admired.
Response #3
I'm a 50-year old man on the upper west side of Manhattan. When I'm out, I do indeed notice African American women. In fact, I personally find them extremely attractive and sexy, perhaps more so than Caucasian women. I have no compunctions about dating African American women -- and, in fact, have done so in the past: I have had two black girlfriends, both of whom were wonderful and exciting women; we had lots of common interests I'm not certain that black women are checking me out more than white women would, but I’m sure they have --especially when I am checking them out..
I just wanted to post these three responses for now as I hope to receive a few more that have more lenghty responses. Don't worry ladies and gents I will certianly get some responses from younger age ranges lol It's interesting to hear what the older crowd thinks because interracial dating wasn't as "acceptable." Overall all, every male who responded to the survey are definately interested in dating African American women. However, I'm sure there are a few who think otherwise...I'll be sure to report what I find ok.
Please share your experiences and thoughts on interracial dating!! Have you done it? What led you to date someone from that racial group? Would you consider doing it? Why? Or Why Not?
Thanks for Reading!