Have you ever been in a position when you found an old envelope and in it was a letter from someone who loved you. It could have been an old crush or a best friend who moved away or a relative. You may have read it a couple of times and gave it gave you fond memories of your relationship with them. But somehow the letter got lost in the mix and although you cherished the relationship in your heart, you never picked up that letter again to refresh your memory. Well I’ve had a love letter that someone wrote to me that was always accessible, yet it was tucked under a pile of other stuff. Every time I opened this letter it would remind me of my first love. The other day someone asked me about that love letter, what it meant to me and about the person who wrote it. This is what I wrote about my first love his name is God.
Twelve years ago I was introduced to my first love. I remember when he asked me out I wasn’t sure if I believe everything he had to offer. So he wrote me a love letter and as time progressed I would read it over and over and spend time with him and I realized that his Love Letter wasn’t just for me. That love letter was the Bible. The Bible from my personal perspective is God’s love letter to humanity. Why a Love Letter you ask? Well because when you write a love letter to someone you truly care about, you take the time to formulate something that expresses what is truly is in your heart. It’s not random, it’s not empty, and it’s not careless. Rather it is filled with purpose, it’s filled with love and compassion which is straight from the heart. It’s real, almost jarring Jer 23:29 to hear just how much someone really cares for you even when they are trying to reach out to you or they are apart from you. It also has a beginning and an end. And when you finish reading that love letter, you know just where you stand with regards with how that person feels about you. Sometimes you find out things you never knew before. There’s nothing left for you to worry about because you have a sense of confidence, a sense of revelation that you never felt before. You really truly know your place in that person’s heart.
So the creator, all Mighty God, of this universe, heaven, the earth, and humanity had to find a way to help us get to know about who He is, why He created everything, and just how much he cares about us. The Bible is the source of all information about life in the past, present and future. It is our way of becoming acquainted with God. It is not just a book, it’s not a story, and it’s not just history. It’s real to those who believe in God and know that the words on the pages are His words (Ps 119:89)
When you get a love letter do you ever notice how much it reveals about the person who wrote it and how you’d like to read it over and over and over again so that the words can remain in your heart. Ps 119:11 Well that’s another purpose of the Bible. God gave His word to mankind so that we would turn the pages and read about his character, learn about his plan to rescue us (because when you’re loved by someone they are saving you from being alone, uncared for, or suffering Jn 8:51 ) for the things he knows that will hurt the ones he truly loves. That letter also expresses the role you play in that person’s life. So the Bible is a means of finding out how God wants mankind to live, how to interact with him and how His love will be extended to others (because lets be real…after you read a love letter you feel so happy and you’d want to share that love with others around you)
Lastly, a love letter keeps your eyes and heart fixed on it’s author Ps 119:105 It inspires, it’s filled with promises from the past, present, and for the future (e.g. Baby I loved you since the day I saw you, the love I have for you will never die, and I hope to love you till the end of my days.. I promise to always be there for you, to take care of you lol) God does a fabulous job of doing all that I just described and much more so that we can develop a wonderful and close relationship with Him. Isa 55:11
References to some of the scriptures I added:
Jeremiah 23:29 “Is not my word like fire,” declares the LORD, “and like a hammer that breaks a rock in pieces?
John 8:51 I tell you the truth, if anyone keeps my word, he will never see death.”
Psalm 119:105 Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.
Psalm 119:11 I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.
Isaiah 55:11 so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.
I'll be honest and say that for many years I thought the bible was a pretty boring book that I had a hard time understanding. Fortunately, with God's help and attending chruch services I've learned a great deal about the love of God and his message. Now I don't know your relationship with God but if you find yourself just wondering about the Bible and what its message is really about but need some help to get you started on your journey I'd like to recommend a wonderful book to you that made everything clear, SUPER easy, and it read like a book. I kid you not it will help anyone from someone who doesn't know anything about God to a person who has had a solid relationship with him for many years. I LOVEEEEE THISSSSSSSSS BOOKKKKK!!!!
The book is called The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus by John R. Cross

The book is a page turner and you will finish totally understanding God message with clarity.
"This fully illustrated, 304-page book is written for adults and teens who know little or nothing about the Bible. It explains in a straightforward way the greatest themes of the Bible, step by step"
You can purchase this book at
http://www.goodseed.com/products/str-eng-book/ for only $10. If you're not sure about getting the book you can click on the link that says "FREEebook" and get a sample of the entire book on pdf format. I'd suggest getting the book though! lol If you're not into reading you can watch the
video online.
So has anyone heard of this book? If so what did you think?
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